Your words could hurt.

Gepubliceerd op 8 januari 2018 om 17:10

Een heftige tekst over dat er elke dag mensen zijn die worden gepest. Dat er elke dag mensen zijn die met zelfmoord gedachtes rondlopen door de woorden die uit jou mond komen, door de dingen die jij zegt. Ik vind dat je moet oppassen met wat je zegt, want woorden kunnen een hoop doen met een persoon. Hier gaat een deel van mijn komende boek ook over. (Duurt nog wel even heel lang voordat die uitkomt hoor).

Your words could hurt

Every single day
A person
Or another person
Gets called things they are not.
You are stupid!
How can you live with yourself?
You’re disgusting!

Every single day
A person
Or another person
Gets told lies about themselves.
You are not worth it!
Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?
Nobody likes you!

Every single day
A person
Or another person
Tries to kill themselves.
Because of the things you tell them.
Because of the things you say.

Sometimes I think to myself
Who has the guts?
Who things that’s okay?
How do you even have
The words to tell somebody
To kill themselves?

At one point in their life
Looks at themselves
And tell them
Wow, I’m not good enough.
I’m not worth it.
I’m stupid, ugly
Nobody likes me..

Maybe I should
Kill myself
Maybe I should die.
Because somebody else
Wants me to.
Because somebody else
Told me to.
Maybe I’d be better
Maybe they’d be better
Without me.

But you’re wrong
You should never
kill yourself.
You are beautiful!
You are worth it!
And you are definitely good enough!

Don’t let what
Somebody else tells you
Impact you.
Believe in yourself
Keep on fighting

We all just have to
Love each other
A little bit more.

By: Fleur Ehmen

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