Who will love me for me?

Gepubliceerd op 8 januari 2018 om 16:58

Ik ben erg trots op deze. Het eerste stuk gaat over een jongen die wat struggles heeft met wat hij voelt en vooral met wat hij mist in het leven. Het tweede stuk gaat over een meisje die met precies datzelfde worstelt.

Who will love me for me?

He cries in the corner where nobody sees,
He’s the kid with the story no one would believe.
The school bell is ringing, he must go to class,
But his tears won’t dry and his head is a mess.

He try’s to avoid the feeling inside,
It’s the pain and the loneliness he’s trying to hide.
Nobody has shown him what real love can be,
So he’s wondering; ‘Who will love me for me’?

For the funny accent I have when I speak,
Or the freckles I have on both of my cheeks.
For all good I’ve done and for what I’ll become,
For the way I do my hair and the clothes I’d like to wear.

He needs to come out the corner and dry both his eyes,
Cause hiding for love won’t give him the price.
‘Who will love me for me’ is the wrong question to ask,
Cause everyone will, when he takes of his mask.


Her feet aren’t moving, she stares at her shoe,
She’s the kid with the story no one would listen to.
The schoolyard is full, many people around,
But she is too hurt, so she looks at the ground.

She try’s to avoid the feeling inside,
It’s the pain and the loneliness she’s trying to hide.
Nobody has shown her what real love can be,
So she’s wondering; ‘Who will love me for me’?

For the sound of my voice when I’m feeling sad,
Or the smile on my face when something funny is said.
For the way that I walk and the way that I talk,
For all you can see and all that’s inside of me.

She needs to walk around with confidence in her eyes,
Cause hiding for love won’t give her the price.
‘Who will love me for me’ is a question to ignore,
Cause she has a smile, all guys will adore.

For him and for her the problems are solved,
Instead of pain and loneliness they now both feel loved.
So don’t ever ask yourself; ‘Who will love me for me’?
Cause everyone will love you for all you can be.

By: Fleur Ehmen